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Thursday, July 29, 2010

인형 게임


Well, i got something to write now. but same like yesterday, i don't have a good mood to write. so i've spent all my time today to play "like a set a dress" game at dollie-bliss .

I've played this game for long long time ago. this game is not popular anymore. but, i just want to play this game today. and i would like to share them to you all.

Well, please enjoy~~


Girl's day out

Happy girl

Cute Girl~

Sporty Girl~

Sweet Girl~

Well. i set them for today. maybe i'll set the others next time~
thanks for coming~

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Library Orientation

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Event MABA Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia


Exclusive for today posting i will write posting with Indonesian Language~
Before that, i want to say sorry and want to make a correction about my last posting about UKM's KoK. Do you all know what? TERNYATAAAA~ the Marching Band that i saw yesterday is FROM INDONESIA~ whoaaaa~ i supposed to know it, because when i watched them practicing, i read "GPMB 2009" at the back of their T-Shirt. i though that GMPB is at Indonesia only. Jinjja~ i should know that~ LOL~
it proved that Indonesian Marching Band is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME~
but, i wondering what MB are they?
who knows?

oops~ i told that i'll use Indonesian language~

OK~ Kemarin itu tanggal 25 July 2010 di UKM ada acara penyambutan Mahasiswa Baru ato disini disebut MABA oleh Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia ato PPI. Acaranya seru banget. walopun mati lampu dan sedikit mengganggu jalannya acara, tapi acara tetap berlanjut dan berakhir dengan sukses. Awalnya ada rumor" gak enak gitu soal MABA ini. Ada yang bilang klo MABA ini kayak ospek. ah~ masa sih?

Pagi" hari Minggu ntu, aku sama roommate-ku Diva uda siap2 pengen pergi ke Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan UKM. Acaranya diadain disana. tiba2 Ari salah 1 temen kolej ngirim SMS, dy bilang klo acara MABA itu ospek.


Yang bener aja, kami langsung gak niat pergi. Tapi karna uda daftar dan gak enak ma kakak" senior akhirnya aku, Diva, ma Ria pergi juga. Dengan berbekalkan baju olahraga yang bakal dipake pas acara nanti dan name tag yang dibuat sendiri kami ber3 jalan kaki, karna dari UO ke FSSK gak jauh2 amat.

Sampe disana, kirain uda telat cz kami perginya jam 7:50 an gitu. JIAH~ ternyata masi sepi. Panitianya aj banyak yang belom pada datang. hadohadooh~~
yasuw, qta tunggu dan tiba2 "JLEB"


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ untung jadi pergi, klo gak, melongolah kami di bilik gak ngapa"in.

Ngisi Attendance list~

Akhirnya acara dimulai. Acaranya dimulai dengan acara resmi gitu~ dihadiri ma mahasiswa yang tamatan SMA (remaja) ato degree, dan mahasiswa yang dewasa.

Acara pembukaan~

Setelah acara resmi, kita semua yang degree langsung diminta tukar pakaian olahraga karna yang degree akan melaksanakan aktivitas outbound dan yang tua" jalan" ke Putrajaya (enaknyaaa). Acara outbound dilaksanakan di Kolej Ibu Zain.


Ibu Zain pan atas bukit~ jeger~ it's mean kita semua harus MENDAKIIII~
Aigoo~ tapi gpp lah~ mayan buat nurunin berat badan~ hahahahahaa~
sebelum itu, kita dibagi atas beberapa kelompok. tapi yang ada malah AKU KEPISAH MA RIFKA DAN YANG LAEEEN~ ah, gak seru sumpah tak bengak~
tapi akhirnya kita diganbung karna kelompok aku cuma ada 3 orang~ muahahahahahahahaha~
kami menamakan kelompok kami dengan nama EXPOSE.


Acara outbound pun dimulai. Dari awal kita uda was" kalo" jadinya malah ospek bneran~ tapi ternyata engga~ kita ikut beberapa game yang mayan seru~
pertama itu kita disuruh dibuat cheers gitu. cheers yang paling aku suka itu dari kelompok nya kak Adha. Lucu aja keliatannya~

Klo ada videonya pasti lucu

trus ada macam2 game yang laen. tp gak ingat namanya soalnya gk sempat dimaenkan sma anak' cewe~
game yang ini dimaenkan sama anak cowo~

ini game apa gak tau namanya

trus kami yang cewe maen Game namanya "Bola Gila". tujuannya untuk memperkenalkan diri aja sih. tapi mayan kreatip~ hehe~

"Bola Gila yg dimainkan oleh orang"gila"

trus ada game kayak mainan waktu SD itu~ dlu di SD aku namanya Ular Naga. tp fotonya gak ad~

Abis itu, qta istirahat makan siang n sholat. Tau Tak Pe? kita makan nasi pake sambal terasi gitu~ waaaah~ Indonesia banget getoh~ makan siang kali ini terasa nikmat~

Makan~ makaaan~ Indonesian food~ :9

Setelah makan, ada semacam ceramah~
dan setelah itu ada game BIKIN RUJAAAAAAAAK~~~
whoaaa~ this is my favorite thing in this event~

omo~ uda brapa lama ya gk makan rujak?

liat de foto nya~ seru bangeet~
rujaknya menggugah selera~ huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu~

proses pembuatan rujak EXPOSE ceria~

rujak EXPOSE ceria siap disantap~

EXPOSE w/ rujak~

EXPOSE yakin menang~ selain rasanya enak, tampilan rujak EXPOSE ceria juga yang paling kinclong~

Tiba waktunya pengumuman pemenang~
mahasiswa yang ke Putrajaya pun uda datang~ jadi pengumuman pemenang pun dilaksanakan.

setelah diumumkan pemenang2 game yang lewat, tiba waktunya pengumuman pemenang rujak~ ternyata KITA KALAAAAAH~
hiiy~ benci laaaah~ malah kelompok 2 yang menang~

apelaaaah~ ):(

tapi tak pe~ dari kumpulan kite orang ade menang satu.
menang kategori Name Tag terbaik~ hahahahahahaha~ emang kreatip. soalnya combo~ kayak liontin gitu dibuatnya~

(gak ada foto yang lbih dekat (maaf ya))

nah, itu acara kita seharian~ Seneng banget bisa ikutan acara beginian~ serasa kayak dirumah sendiri~ kita bahkan lupa klo lagi di malaysia~ hahahahaha~moga" aja acara kayak gini bisa sering". thx buat PPI yang udah ngadain acara ini~

the last adalah foto2 ucul~ ^^

Aku takut~ ><


Friday, July 23, 2010



New posting for this week (actually i don't have a topic to share so far, LOL).
Today i would like to share about a Co-Curriculum (at my collage, it called Ko-Kurikulum (KoK) at my collage. Here, i have follow Orchestra KoK. i've plan to follow Taekwondo KoK, but i haven't register yet~

OK~ Because of my basic is Brass, i would like to talk about my Orchestra KoK and UKM's Marching Band (i saw them this morning, and they definitely awesome. i swear).

i follow the Orchestra because i think i need to continue to practice brass think. at that time, i don't know that UKM have a Marching Band *disappointed*. but it's ok, because my condition now is not really good because of appendix tomi case last december i don't think that i can follow the practice because OMG they're absolutely cool. i took their pics but i cannot record them because i have a collage KoK to do.

First time i attend the KoK, I felt confused because I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE PRACTICE ROOM IS~~~ jinjja~~ i've go around the DECTAR and found nothing. then, an old man came to me and asking me "awak ikut orkestra ke?". then i answer yess. then he took me to the back side of the DECTAR. ternyataaa, he's my coach. hahahahhaha~

so, he ask me to take an instrument. so i take the trumpet. the box is not really clean. but. when i open it, it's kinda blingbling think i saw. it's shining~ even though they play without gloves, (because when i was at my marching band, we always wear gloves) it still shining~

my trumpet. (in my room)

then i took my trumpet to the practice room. at that time, i was so surprised because THE ONLY PERSON WHO PLAY TRUMPET IS ME~~ gosh~~ what should i do?
FYI, in Malaysia, they don't use Do Re Mi not. they use musical notes. which, when i ask them what is that, they answered "this is E flat and C"



when i ask, " how about Do Re Mi?". they ask me also, "what was that?"

jiaaahh~ i'm so dead~ they're killing me, of course~

But, because i played great (proud, blah) they all also ask me how to do it? and so then. the coach also like to ask me about my marching band (Andam Dewi Marching Band) click here and here to find them.

i would like to show you the situation when we're practicing

practice premier

one of hundreds songs

the best thing that like here is, i can take my trumpet home. hahahaa~ as i set before i take the pic of my trumpet in my room.

OK. now i want to show you the marching band pics that i took this morning.
I don't know much about them. because i saw them this morning.
but they're awesome. maybe if i have a chance to saw them again, i'll record the song that they play.

the Brassline

the Percussion

the Colourguard (cannot take it closer, sorry)

Here are the picture that i take when they're practicing this morning.

maybe that's all that i can share for today.

see ya at the next post~


Saturday, July 17, 2010

My University

Hmm~ actually i don't know what i wanted to write~
i have a lot of things to write, but i already forgot what i want to write exactly~
because of i have an orientation week last week.

well, maybe now i want to share to you all about my collage~

NOW, i am an UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA (National University of Malaysia). Click here and here to know the location

i'll start from First Door. this is UKM's gate. there's 3 doors to enter UKM. this door is between second and third door. if you want to enter UKM, there will be some people with kinda blue police uniform at the door.
at the front. you'll see kinda... (what we call that?)... i don't know but you'll see this thing

this thing. what we call that?

the second is DECTAR. DECTAR is Dewan Censelor Tun Abdul Razak (is it rite?). this place is a place where all of formal or sometime informal event take place. I don't know much about this place (actually i don't really know all of place in UKM'S function. hahahaha~).
but. we all came to this place on orientation week every night to hear kinda information.

this is DECTAR room. exactly huge~ rite?

Duh, i really don't know what i want to write~

Ok. i'll just share what i knew about UKM.

I usually went to Hentian Kajang to find something i needed. How to go there? I usually use RapidKL. we should pay RM1 if we want to use it. we don't spend much time to go to Hentian Kajang because it's not so far from UKM

Inside RapidKL

Maybe, just those thing i want to share for today~
i'll continue it later

Saturday, July 3, 2010

안녕하세요! 세상에 과 I Love My Kolej

hello~ I'm Ledy Sofia~
some of my friends call me Eunkyung, or Kim~
This is my first posting on my blog~
Actually not the first time. I have 3 blogs already but i forgot the username and the password also~ LOL~
Honestly, I almost forgot the password of this blog one~ but fortunately i have saved it in my cellphone's note~ OMG~

well~ emm~


i don't know what to say. but yea~ emm~ i'm thinking rite now~
*what should i write?*


i got one~

OMG~ how could I forgot this one~

it happened today~
Today is our check out day from Kolej Ungku Omar.
Then, Actually, we have to stay here until tomorrow because we have no home.
Last night, we have asked the staff to let us stay until sunday morning.
but, the staff said that we have to leave the kolej on saturday at 9 o'clock.


what should we do now???

we don't know what to do. Then we wait until today.
At the morning, I and my room mate Rifka, went to the lobby and meet the owner for asking to let me stay at the dorm.
Here is the short dialogue between me, Rifka, and the owner.

me: excuse me sir~ can we ask something to you?

SWNI (someone who not important) : Sini tak ade makcik~~~

me&Rifka: ????????????????? O_o

me: we said encik rite?

rifka: hooh~

me: enciiiiiiiiik, kami kan yang datang dari Riau kan harus nyer stay kat sini sampai tanggal 2~

Owner: hu uh~

me: sebab information yang kami dapat tuw pendaftarannye tanggal 3.

Owner: hu uh~

me: tapi rupenye jadi tanggal 4

Owner: hu uh~~

me: =_=" jadi kami boleh tak stay kat sini sampai esok pagi?

Owner: ooo~ tak boleh sebab esok orang dah sibuk-sibuk. lagipun semue bilik sudah ditentukan~ jadi awak tak bolehlah lagi perpanjangan waktu~

this is the end of us~ of course~

me,rifka&jihan: =_=

me: jadi macam mane~?

Owner: siape yang dapat kat sini?

me: saye~

Owner: kalau gitu awak dapat check in dlu~

me: fiuh~

So, all of the girls packing their stuffs and put it IN MY ROOOOOOOOOM~~
my room become a dump~

Aish~ i don't like my kolej~

after i finished tidying up my room, i helped the other girls to go to their kolej.
first, we accompany Essy, and Nia (or maybe Niaty?) to kolej Pendeta Za'ba. first time i and Rifka saw the kolej, it's so nice~ felt like want to moved in to this kolej.

this is the bus stop of pendeta za'ba

then we went to Kolej Keris Mas~ it's so cool~ the toilet is looks like a hotel's toilet~ really cool~

this is the toilet of kolej keris mas

wew~ cool~
but this is not the real surprise. the real surprise is at the dorm building~ *gyaaaaaa*
when we enter the building, something scare happened. THE ROOM IS WORSE~~ MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ it's dark inside~
*i love my kolej*
unfortunately i forgot to take the photo~

then, we comeback to kolej Pendeta Za'ba with Jihan, Yuroni, Aji, and Asep to see Niaty, Essy, and Batara~

when Batara went out from his dorm, here's kinda dialogue between us

Asep: oy, bat, gimana?

Batara: *two thumbs up* ANJRIT~




the only normal kolej is my kolej and rifka and azura's kolej~

hmm~ i wonder what kind of disaster that waiting for us later~

nobody know~
